It's time! Become premium at!

Have more control over all your leagues

Discover everything we have to offer you

The most complete league manager

The tool that educational centers and sports clubs are looking for.

To export

By becoming a premium you can export any of our leagues (both our own or not) in Excel or OpenOffice.


Add players to all the teams in your league or create random players. Make lineups and make your competitions look much more professional.


Add the match events: Scorers, Assistants, a Booking, Sent off and Injuries.

Photo and video gallery

Add a photo gallery for each match or upload a video from YouTube or vimeo and show the audience how the event was.


Customize your competition to the maximum by adding the colors you want, a background and a header image.


Check how many visits your competition has had day by day.

Feature 1

Update results, teams and options of your league

Don't settle for creating your league. Update it and become a total manager.

  • Add photos to your teams
  • Update the rounds and generate the classification
  • Modify the tiebreaker system or the name of your league


Feature 2

Add the information of your players

Having a place where you write down the results of your team is fine, but if you can also add the squads of the teams and the line-ups for each game, everything becomes much more interesting.

  • Create random players
  • Create custom players
  • Edit existing players
  • Delete the players you don't need


Feature 3

Full match information

What happened at the game? We offer you the option you were looking for to reflect who scored the goals, who gave the assists, what changes were made and who were the injured, sent off or cautioned players. You can also add the following statistics

  • Possession (%)
  • Shots
  • Shots on Target
  • Fouls
  • Corners
  • Offside
  • Saves
  • Yellow cards
  • Red cards
  • Penalty


Our plans

For less than 2 euros per month

Take your competitions to another level for price without competition.

3 months


  • Go ahead
  • and try our
  • premium options
  • for only
  • 10 usd

6 months


  • Get a 25 %
  • discount
  • by contracting the
  • premium package
  • for 6 months

1 year


  • Benefit from a
  • fantastic
  • 50% discount
  • by paying
  • a full year
Secure payment

Payments are protected with a 256-bit SSL protocol.

Payment methods

Pay through Paypal or with your debit card.

We answer common questions

Frequent questions

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently offer payment options through PayPal. If you don't have an account, don't worry, because the platform itself allows you to pay with a debit card without having to open a PayPal account.

How do I activate my Premium account?

Once you make the payment at, the Premium account will be activated automatically. Also, if you are already a premium user, the contracted period will be extended to the time that you have pending as a premium.

Is it possible to renew my premium account before the end of the plan that I currently have contracted?

Yes of course. The time you have left from the previous plan will be added to the one you hire.

From how many IP addresses can I connect with the same account?

A maximum of three IP addresses per day.

How do random players work?

When premium users create players, 22 random players (number, name, birth and photo) are automatically generated for each team. If you want you can interact with those same players, adding them to lineups or selecting them in events to score goals, receive cards and more. On the other hand, if you want to have your own players, you can always edit the ones that we have given you, create new players and then delete the players you don't want.

¿Cómo funcionan los eventos?

¿Deseas que tu liga cuente con una tabla de máximos goleadores, de máximos asistentes, de más tarjeteados, de más expulados o de más lesionados? Tranquilo, no tendrás que hacer eso a mano nunca más. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es editar los eventos de cada partido añadiendo la información correspondiente (goles, asistencias, amarillas, rojas y lesiones) y nuestro sistema se encargará de crear automáticamente las tablas de máximos anotadores (pichichi), máximos asistentes, etc.

¿Sigues teniendo preguntas?

Escríbenos a

email de contacto
y te atenderemos encantados.